
caught in the moment

I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride it where I like
(The Queen, 'Bicycle Race', 1978)


waiting to have tea with the Queen

Well we all need someone to lean on
And if you want it, well you can lean on me
(Rolling Stones, 'Let It Bleed', 1969)


Once I lived the life of a millionaire,
Spent all my money, I just did not care.
Took all my friends out for a good time,
Bought bootleg whisky, champagne and wine.

Then I began to fall so low,
Lost all my good friends, I did not have nowhere to go.
I get my hands on a dollar again,
I'm gonna hang on to it till that eagle grins.

'Cause no, no, nobody knows you
When you're down and out.
(Jimmy Cox, 'Nobody Knows You When You're Down and Out', 1923)

silhouette under the bridge

Following the path as it leads toward
The darkness in the north
Weary stranger's faces show their sympathy
They've seen that hope before
(Pink Floyd, 'The Narrow Way', 1968-1969)

the two of us

Thinking about thinking of you
Summertime think it was June
Yeah think it was June
Laying back, head on the grass
(Stereophonics, 'Dakota')

random lives

I want to live like common people,
I want to do whatever common people do,
I want to sleep with common people,
I want to sleep with common people,
like you.
(Pulp, 'Common People', 1995)

just another picture of Thames


You broke another mirror;
you're turning into something you are not.
Don't leave me high, don't leave me dry
(Radiohead, 'Dry and High', 1995)

for you love

I don't wanna wait in vain for your love
(Bob Marley, 'Waiting in Vain')


'Hey! You! Get off my Cloud!'

I'm in the basement, you're in the sky
(Placebo, 'English Summer Rain', 2004)